What is a last lecture?
A Last Lecture essay is how the graduating class imparts any final words of wisdom. In a Last Lecture Assembly, ten members of the graduating class at Karl G. Maeser Preperatory Academy are given an opportunity to present their final words of wisdom a week before graduating. Implemented and run by teachers Mrs. Frampton and Mrs. Martinez, the Last Lecture Assembly is and will be a lasting tradition at the school.
For months leading up to the assembly, the graduating class writes their own lectures, practicing with friends and spending time after school writing. Mrs. Frampton and Martinez run writing workshops and teach brainstorming tricks to help each senior write a culminating piece of work.
After all the lectures are written, they are presented in class for a panel of three faculty judges. Those judges gives each lecture a score that Mrs. Frampton and Martinez will use to select the ten lectures to be presented for the entire school. A winner is selected at that assembly, but all ten lectures (sometimes more) are printed by PrintComm for the school to read.
Each senior writes a last lecture, but only the top 11 last lectures are posted on this website.
This Site
This site is developed and maintained by Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Couch, and the web development class to provide easy access to the school's Last Lectures.
For seniors who dont want their last lecture on this webpage, please contact ted.gilbert@maeserprep.org or scott.couch@maeserprep.org, and your lecture will be removed promptly.